“Well what are you going to do? It’s not like you’re going to find someone new to have sex with in the next two hours.” - Ted
Hi, Barney Stinson, millionaire astronaut, want to come back to my place and see some moon shells?
“Go away.” - Random Hot Girl #1
Just got back from my wife’s grave, put her in the ground a year ago today. Man I miss her, I sure could use some comfort.
“You’re creepy.” - Random Hot Girl #2
Man aren’t you sick of all the games? I just want to settle down and have a gaggle of rugrats. Like right now.
“I have mace and I enjoy using it.” - Random Hot Girl #3
Marshall, knowing how important this is to me do you think Lily would even consider, and by the way I would do all the work…
“I would end your life.” - Marshall

- Barney Stinson
"Right Place Right Time"
How I Met Your Mother
While The Blot really, really wants to talk about last night’s surprise ending to How I Met Your Mother, I know there are probably a lot of people out there who still haven’t seen it yet (aren’t DVRs great?). In order not to spoil the ending to “Right Place Right Time,” The Blot will instead talk about my brand new How I Met Your Mother Barney Stinson talking bobble head!
If you were following The Blot on Twitter at Twitter.com/TheBlotSays (hint, hint) you would have known that @CBSTweet, CBS’s official Twitter page, was giving away free HIMYM Barney Stinson talking bobble heads to the first 500 people to send them an email with their name and address. Yup, all it took was a simple email to get the bobble head you see above. A free How I Met Your Mother bobble head would have been cool enough, but with the click of a button the lil’ suited up Barney bobble head shouts out one of three awesome sayings. I’d share those sayings with all of you, but I don’t want to make you even more jealous than you already are!
I have no clue if CBS has given out all 500 of the Barney Stinson talking bobble heads it allotted for this giveaway, but if you want one it couldn’t hurt emailing media.intern@cbs.com to see if they have any more. Make sure to include your name and address in the email, and who knows, you too may be the proud owner of a brand new How I Met Your Mother Barney Stinson talking bobble head.