The Blot’s Tweets From WrestleMania XXV
- I hate leaving events! Been in the car for over 30 min and still in the parking lot. 11:05pm via Twitter
- Thanks for following The Blots Wrestlemania coverage! Now let’s see how long it takes for me to get home, ugh. 10:37pm via Twitter
- Best match of the night hands down was HBK vs. The Undertaker. Def the best match I’ve seen in a very long time. 10:12pm via Twitter

- Triple H wins again, ho hum. The match got better but sort of a letdown to end the night. Hunter needs to learn to share the spotlight. 10:00pm via Twitter
- Tonights WrestleMania Attendance: 72,744. 9:44pm via Twitter
- So far the HHH\Orton main event has been really boring. People are even leaving early. They have really lost the crowd. 9:42pm via Twitter
- Austin is in the building! 9:12pm via Twitter
- Dead man walking! The Undertaker is 17-0 at WrestleMania. 8:37pm via Twitter
- No matter how old I get, The Undertaker is still freaking scary. 8:11pm via Twitter

- Rey Misterio makes for an awesome Joker...you’ve gotta see a pic of him walking down to the ring 8:04pm via Twitter

- There is a discussion in the crowd of whether any normal person could pull off Jeff Hardy’s arm sleeves. I say no. 7:32pm via Twitter
- Mattitude has to be one of the lamest wrestling sayings ever. 7:26pm via Twitter
- After all these years I still get excited when the bagpipes play for the Hot Rod Rowdy Roddy Piper. 7:01pm via Twitter
- Best sign seen so far – HHH: sleeping with the boss's daughter since 1999 6:42pm via Twitter
- I can’t believe how packed this place is. We’ve got good seats though. 6:13pm via Twitter
- That was fast. Carlito and Primo won the unified belts. 5:50pm via Twitter
- Finally got to my seat to find the tag team championship match already started. Guess it’s the dark match. 5:48pm via Twitter
- Why do WWE fans not know how to drive? Just now parking. 5:23pm via Twitter
- Heading down to Reliant Stadium now for the biggest event in sports entertainment, WrestleMania XXV. More updates to follow! 4:42pm via Twitter