Last week
USA Today had a great article on
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, which included a list of all of the characters set to make their big screen debut in this summer’s hotly anticipated sequel. (
link) While director Michael Bay decided to focus on a small group of Autobots and Decepticons in 2007’s
Transformers, he has decided to expand the
Transformers Movie Universe exponentially this time around, cramming as many new characters in as possible. One such new character is a familiar face fans have been demanding to see since a live adaptation of
Transformers was first announced, Ravage!

Ravage, as seen above, isn’t exactly the cute little cassette tape/jaguar we all remember. He’s still a cat like creature, but surprisingly he has no alternate mode. Seems an odd decision considering he’s a “transformer.” Thankfully like in all things Transformers, where ever Ravage roams Soundwave is never too far away. The beloved Decepticon Communications Officer will also be making his feature film debut, albeit with one big change. Instead of a tape player he will take the “form of an orbiting space satellite.” (

Other long time Transformers characters set to make their debut in this summer’s
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen include Autobots Jetfire, Sideswipe, Jolt, Skids, Mudflap and longtime fan favorite (and one of the very few female Transformers) Arcee. On the Decepticon side you can look forward to seeing The Fallen, the Insecticons, Demolisher, the Constructicons (and their combiner Devastator), and a scary new “spider like droid” named The Doctor (

The article also mentions another new Decepticon who goes by the name of Wheelie. Now The Blot has some seriously mixed emotions on this announcement, because Wheelie was one of my all time favorite Autobots as a kid. I know a lot of die hard TF fans hated the annoying little guy for his rhyming, trustly slingshot and childlike glee, but I loved his futuristic looking alt mode and color scheme. Hopefully fans' hatred of this late Generation 1 character didn’t lead to his being rebranded a Decepticon. I’m holding out hope it’s just a misprint. Either way, I’m glad to hear a secondary character like Wheelie made it into the movie at all!
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen opens in theaters on June 24, 2009.