Thursday, April 9, 2009

New X-Men Origins: Wolverine Movie Poster

The Blot is really quite surprised at how big of a role Cyclops has in the upcoming Marvel Comics film X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Now I haven’t actually seen the movie yet since I have chosen not to watch the illegally leaked copy that hit the net last week, so who knows how much of the movie he is actually in. But the character is showing up in all of the trailers and is now featured prominently in the film’s latest promo movie poster seen below.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Theatrical One Sheet Movie Poster
Cyclops’ inclusion in X-Men Origins: Wolverine started out as a mere rumor, but it was quickly confirmed when the character briefly appeared in one of the film’s early teaser trailers. It’s nice to see the founding member of the X-Men return to the silver screen after the raw deal he got early on in X-Men: The Last Stand. This time around Cyclops will be portrayed by Tim Pocock and I’m interested in seeing how a young Scott Summers fits into the tale of Wolverine’s movie origin.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine opens in theaters on May 1, 2009.