It’s weird, The Blot really liked last week’s
Lost episode “Whatever Happened, Happened,” but it seems to have gotten some seriously mixed reviews online. Some people are saying it was Evangeline Lilly’s signature episode and one that should net her her first Emmy nomination, while others were complaining the episode was boring and hard to sit through. I can see both sides of the argument, but It’s hard to complain when the show gives us such interesting background info on two of The Blot’s favorite characters, Kate and Ben.

We have now learned why all of the Oceanic 6 ultimately decided to board the plane and return to the island except Hurley. I can only imagine we’ll learn his rationale either this week or next. As for Kate, I was pretty shocked to learn she returned Aaron to his maternal Grandmother and shocked to see how relatively well Claire’s mother took the news that Claire was still alive and Aaron was her grandson. That’s some pretty crazy news for anyone to handle, and especially so for someone still grieving the loss of a child. Plus, she also had to take in the news that everything the Oceanic 6 told the world about their airplane crash was a lie.

Was anyone else surprised to learn what loose lips Kate has? Kate has now shared the truth of what happened to the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 with both Claire’s mother and Cassidy, the mother of Sawyer’s daughter Clementine. That seems pretty out of character for Kate and a huge risk for someone trying to keep Aaron out of danger. But, I can only imagine how hard it was for Kate to re-assimilate and maybe she needed to be able to trust someone to help her get through the guilt of leaving Sawyer and the others behind. Either way, it was nice meeting Sawyer’s daughter and seeing Kate and Cassidy reconnect after their earlier partnership prior to Kate’s crash landing on the island.

My favorite scene by far was the discussion between Hurley and Miles on the effects of time travel on the present/future. What was great about it is that both characters were saying exactly what so many
Lost fans have been thinking! It was like our online debates made it onto the show. After talking to a few friends and re-watching the scene I think ultimately Miles was right in his theory on time travel and their ability to change the future. In fact, Jack pretty much proved Miles point by not attempting to save Ben’s life. Where Hurley ultimately stumped Miles was his question concerning why Ben didn’t recognize Sayid when they originally met in the hatch during Season 2, but thankfully we the audience now know this was because of whatever Richard Alpert does to Ben to save his life.
Speaking of which, I was excited to see some of my
previous theories proven somewhat true last week. With that being said I have no idea where Ben Linus’ story goes from here. What could Richard possibly to do to him down in the temple to save his life? It seems pretty sketchy to me! I also can’t get over Sawyer’s ability to negotiate with the Others, where was that in Season 1 and 2? Walt could have really used it!

Tonight’s episode sounds amazing, so I’m going to end this week’s
Lost episode recap with the official teaser for this week’s episode:
To atone for sins of the past, Ben must attempt to summon the smoke monster in order to be judged. Wow, we get a Ben focused episode with smoke monster implications! It should be a killer episode indeed.