I think at this point in the show it is safe to say that
Lost episodes, like last week’s “He’s Our You,” which focus squarely on Sayid are some of The Blot’s favorite episodes. This season’s Sayid-centric episodes have been even better because they also prominently feature Benjamin Linus. Ever since it was revealed how intertwined Sayid and Ben’s off island exploits were, the rich interplay between these two stoic yet complicated characters has been mind blowing. Who knew way back in Season 2 when Sayid was torturing Ben in the hatch how far their relationship would come? In many ways Ben is now finally getting his revenge for their first encounter by torturing Sayid, albeit psychologically instead of physically. I can honestly say I never know where their storyline is going to go next.

It’s weird, for all Sayid has been through he never stops punishing himself for the crimes of his past. I almost feel like Sayid didn’t want Sawyer to help him escape because he felt like he deserved whatever punishment was coming his way for the death’s he caused off the island. Then again, it could have all been a smokescreen for Sayid’s true mission…to kill Ben Linus. From the moment the young Benjamin Linus introduced himself to a captive Sayid one scene kept playing over and over again in my head. It was the scene where Sun was holding Ben at gun point and Linus asked Sayid for help. Sayid just turned to him and said if I ever see you again I’ll shoot you myself.

As we learned last week, Sayid is truly a man of his word and the first opportunity he had to shoot Ben he took it. Now I don’t think there’s any chance Ben is actually dead (as in gone and buried), but it does tie in nicely to Ben’s pronouncement earlier this season that he had been “born on the island.” Now we all know he was actually born off the island and brought there by his father, but maybe he was killed by Sayid and the island resurrected him like it has done for so many other characters. This could be one explanation for his claim of being born on the island. Or, maybe his near death experienced opened his eyes to his and the island’s true potential. What I do know is that like a phoenix rising out of its own ashes, Benjamin Linus cannot be stopped.

I feel like this theory actually builds upon my
theory from last week in that the actions the time lost Losties are taking now in the past are the reason many of the things we’ve witnessed in the future have taken place. If this is true, Sayid’s shooting of Ben may be the catalyst for the many horrible things Ben does in the future. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy, where the actions Sayid takes in the past to prevent his future from occurring actually causes it. I’ve always wondered how Ben knew to recruit Sayid in his plans for revenge. Maybe it was because Ben always knew Sayid was a killer at heart because he witnessed Sayid’s handiwork firsthand as a child.