The Blot’s been a little under the weather the last few days and my blogging has definitely taken a hit because of it. With that being said, I didn’t want last week’s amazing
Lost episode “Dead Is Dead” to go totally unmentioned considering how amazing of an episode it was. “Dead Is Dead” tied up so many loose ends I couldn’t believe it. We never get this many answers in a season, much less one episode. It’s these kinds of small payoffs that keep us
Lost fans coming back week after week even when we think the writers have no clue where this story is going.

Every flashback touched upon a different
Lost mystery and I just giddier and giddier as the episode went along. We finally saw how Ben ended up “adopting” Alex, how Charles Widmore came to be exiled from the island and what exactly happened between Ben, Desmond and Penny on the pier before Ben boarded the plane to return to the island. I was a little shocked to find out the real reason Widmore was kicked off the island. Of all the reasons they could have come up with, no way did I think it would be something as simple and random as his having a daughter with a non-Other off island. I wonder if his resentment of Penny for being part of the reason he was cast out from the island's Others is the reason for their strained relationship. There goes my theory that Ms. Hawking is also Penny's mother (now we just need to find out how Eloise came to leave the island).

But, I thought the most interesting part of the flashbacks was learning about the taking of Alex and the rift that formed between Ben and Widmore because of it. It looks like the two of them have never gotten along, and I assume that probably has something to do with the fact that Richard chose not to consult with Widmore before taking Ben down into the island’s temple to save his life. And just how creepy was that scene between Ben and Alex/the Smoke Monster down in the Temple?
In my heart of hearts I knew there was no way
Lost would be killing off such a key and integral character at this point in the show's story, but you just never know. This newly formed partnership between Ben and Locke should be an interesting one to watch in the weeks to come. I just hope Locke continues to not trust Ben because nothing, even the Smoke Monster’s warnings of impending death, will keep him on the straight and narrow.
Of course with every answer comes more questions…like how did Ethan become an Other (that is if we can assume the Ethan we saw with a young Benjamin Linus is the same Ethan born to Amy (Reiko Aylesworth) in "LaFleur") and I don’t think I can wait much longer to find out why all of The Others are aging except for Richard Alpert. I thought for sure it had something to do with time travel, and wrongly assumed the rest of The Others were not aging as well. But as we can clearly see in “Dead Is Dead,” everyone, including Ben and Widmore, are aging except for Richard. I know one of these days this mystery is going to be explained, but sooner than later would be much appreciated!

I have no idea what to except in tonight’s Miles-centric episode “Some Like It Hoth,” but it looks freaking awesome. The description for tonight’s episode says, “Suspicions about a possible breach intensify after Ben is taken from the infirmary, and a reluctant Miles is forced to work with Hurley.” Thankfully we have less than three hours to wait until an all new episode of Lost. I'm not so sure I could have waited much longer.