This is an exciting post for The Blot because it highlights two of my favorite things, the television show
Battlestar Galactica and the gaming-related webcomic
Ctrl+Alt+Del. I had originally intended to highlight some of my favorite
webcomics over the past year, but for some reason I’ve done a really poor job of it. While this post isn’t actually about the Ctrl+Alt+Del webcomic, you might want to go check it out
here nevertheless! What this post really is about is CAD’s
Starbucks’s Roasted Cylon Mug, which is frakking awesome!

Starbucks’s Fresh Roasted Cylon logo is a spoof of the classic
Starbucks Coffee logo with a
Battlestar Galactica twist. Besides, at this point isn’t everyone’s favorite Starbuck really Kara Thrace anyway? You can purchase Ctrl+Alt+Del’s Starbuck’s Mug from
SplitReason.com, the internet’s premiere clothing and accessory online store for Geeks and Gamers, for $9.95. This white 8oz. ceramic mug had been sold out for a while now, but thankfully it’s back in stock and The Blot can’t wait to order one.