There are lots of unresolved issues from last year’s season finale, but for those of you who missed out on Reaper Season 1 it’s nothing a quick recap can’t fix. Season two finds Sam wrestling with the recent discovery that he may be the son of the Devil. He quickly learns that getting groomed to take over the "family business" comes with a whole new litany of headaches, like the fact that the demon rebellion he once collaborated with is now out to kill him - a conflict further complicated when Sam’s friend Ben starts dating the demon assassin tasked with the job of hunting Sam down and killing him. Plus, Sam must now decide whether to reveal any of this news to his girlfriend Andi who's already wary of his extracurricular activities for Hell. (link) It all sounds a little intense, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, at its heart Reaper is still a fun, hip comedy that any fan of pop culture will enjoy.
Reaper airs Tuesday nights on The CW at 8/7c.