The truth is not much is known as of now, and Hasbro is sending out some seriously mixed messages. First came reports out of NYCC that as of August all Mighty Muggs would be sold as Toys R Us exclusives. While it seems like this news is legit, I still haven’t seen anything concrete or official out of Hasbro. What we do know is that no new Muggs from any of the four existing toy lines (Star Wars, Marvel, Transformers or G.I. Joe) have been solicited lately, which means there will be a significant lull in new figures for the foreseeable future.
With that being said, both Transformers Wave 2 and Marvel Wave 6 have now hit store shelves and we still have the Iceman, Magneto, Unmasked Spider-Man and Green Goblin Wave to look forward to. Plus, there is the rumored X-Men Origins: Wolverine Wolverine with retractable claws SDCC ’09 exclusive that I know many fans are excited about. I’ve also heard some rumblings about an upcoming Transformers Wave that is to include movie versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron, but again no official word on those figures has been given yet.

While it could happen, I don’t see any way Hasbro could cancel their Mighty Muggs line now with such a huge summer ahead of them. With the licensing rights for X-Men Origins: Wolverine and two movies being released based on their properties (G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), Hasbro is in charge of the toy lines for three potentially huge summer blockbusters and the more toys they can produce in conjunction with these movies the better. Hopefully Hasbro agrees with The Blot on this and we’ll be seeing a bevy of movie tie-in Mighty Muggs released in the coming months.
In the meantime, spread the word to all of your friends on the greatness that is Hasbro’s Mighty Muggs because the toy line could definitely use all the promotion and spike in sales it can get! Also, if you typically only read The Blot Says…’s Mighty Muggs page then I highly recommend checking out the The Blot Says…’s main page (since there hasn’t been much Mighty Muggs news lately) for all the latest in movies, television, designer toys, comics and more!