These are extremely impressive numbers considering the second part of Burn Notice’s second season aired against strict competition from the broadcast networks. Not only was Burn Notice Season Two, Part II numbers competitive with shows like NBC’s ER and CBS’ Eleventh Hour, it soundly beat the ratings of “cable’s incumbent ratings champion, TNT’s The Closer.” (link)

I finally got a chance to watch the episode last night and was blown away. Burn Notice Season 2’s final episode was pure fun and excitement. I won’t include any spoilers in case you still haven’t seen the episode, but never in a million years did I expect the show to end the way it did. It definitely set up next season to be an exciting one without giving us a lame cliff hanger to worry about for months.

I’m just dying to see how Season 2’s game changer affects Michael (Jeffrey Donovan), Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar), Sam (Bruce Campbell) and Madeline’s (Sharon Gless) lives from here on out. If anything, I was more than a little bummed to find out there won’t be another episode of Burn Notice until the summer of ’09, but that’s a small price to pay for quality TV.