I’ve been wanting to attend SDCC since I was probably 12 or 13 years old, but living in Alabama it was just easier to attend Dragon*Con in Atlanta (during the heyday of the comic book boom naturally) then go all the way out to Cali. Over the years there was always something else taking precedence over attending the mecca of all things comic books, but this year there were no excuses to be had. Besides, I figure I need to go now before life as an adult gets in the way!

This is part of the reason The Blot set up a Twitter account earlier this week. This way I can blog in real time via Twitter while walking the halls of the San Diego Convention Center. I’m not exactly sure how I am going to set all this up, but I’m going to schedule a trial run next weekend while I attend the biggest event in sports entertainment history (more details on that to come next week).
Comic-Con should be a lot of fun and if any readers of The Blot Says… are in attendance I hope we can all meet up. But if you’re not able to make it to sunny southern California July 23rd-26th then I suggest stopping by The Blot Says… that weekend. I’ll be giving constant Twitter updates on the latest news coming out of San Diego Comic Con 2009 and pics each night of the newest releases and any other randomness I might come upon.