Check out Scarlett Johansson at the Oscars.
If I could nail any celebrity
it would definitely be Scarlett Johansson.
Hot, talented and nobody does that many
Woody Allen movies without serious daddy issues.

- Barney Stinson
"Old King Clancy"
How I Met Your Mother
This past week The Big Bang Theory and its cast of quirky characters were rewarded with a two year renewal by CBS. (link) I can understand CBS giving Two and a Half Men its two year renewal since it’s the top rated comedy on network television and a consistent Top 5-10 hit, but The Big Bang Theory? I have a feeling Chuck Lorre, the creator of both shows, had a little something to do with this. It’s too bad the creators of How I Met Your Mother don’t have this kind of clout with the network! While The Big Bang Theory definitely deserves its early renewal, here’s hoping a similar fate is in store for the cast and crew of HIMYM.