Hey, The Karate Kid’s a great movie.
It’s the story of a hopeful, young karate enthusiast whose
dreams and moxie take him all the way to
the All Valley Karate Championship.
Of course, sadly he loses in the final round to that nerd kid.
But, he learns an important lesson about
gracefully accepting defeat.
“Wait, when you watch The Karate Kid you actually root
for that mean blonde boy?” - Lily
No, I root for the scrawny loser from New Jersey
who barely even knows karate.
When I watch The Karate Kid I root for the karate kid,
Johnny Lawrence from the Cobra Kai dojo.
Get your head out of your ass Lily.

Wow, has it really only been a month since our last new episode of How I Met Your Mother? It feels like forever, but thankfully we’re finally back on track with a series of all new HIMYM episodes. The Blot’s had so many HIMYM casting news stories I’ve wanted to discuss these past few weeks, but I figured it was better to just let them come as a surprise.
Last night we saw the debut of Six Feet Under’s Frances Conroy as Barney’s long talked about but never seen mother Loretta, and next week we get another awesome guest star in the form of Ted’s former college girlfriend Karen who recently moved to New York. This should be a great episode since we find out pretty early on in the show that Lily and Marshall hated her in college and still her today! I don’t want to give it away completely, but I will give you a little hint…she starred in one of The Blot’s favorite ensemble comedies that began airing on FOX in 1998. If you’re dying to know if you’ve guessed correctly, click here.
Before I go, have you guys seen the How I Met Your Mother official Barneyism Generator!?!? How have I never heard of this website before? The Barneyism Generator is part of the show’s marketing for the release of its Season 3 Box Set, and it’s pure awesomeness. Just click the big yellow button and an animated Barney Stinson spits out never before seen Barneyisms. If you’re got some time to kill it’s definitely worth a read.