The Blot hates to admit this, but the reason it’s taken me this long to blog about last week’s episode of
Lost is because I was really underwhelmed by its pacing. The more I find out about the story of the Oceanic 6 the less I care. While I didn’t know from the start that it was Ben who was behind the custody battle over Aaron, did it really come as a surprise? Ben manipulates, that’s what he does. How else could he convince Kate that both she and Aaron needed to return to the island? If anything, that big reveal was just annoying.

The second big reveal from last week’s episode was that Jin is alive! I’m so glad they didn’t drag this little tidbit out because it was quite possibly the worst kept secret in the history of
Lost. The fact of the matter is not only was Daniel Dae Kim still appearing in
Lost advertisements, he was included in the Season 5 cast photo and in the opening credits. Typically when a character is killed off of a show that actor is no longer a part of the cast and they don’t use them in promos for the upcoming season. The perfect example of this is Emilie de Ravin.

De Ravin’s character Claire hasn’t even been killed off, but once the show's producers determined she would not be appearing in Season 5 (don’t worry she’ll be back for all of Season 6), they removed her from the opening credits, she did not appear in the Season 5 cast photo and they definitely haven't used her in Lost's television ads anymore. I know I might be over thinking this, but
Lost challenges its audience to think. So why then does ABC and its marketing department continue to think we’re stupid by giving away such important details like the fact that Jin is still a part of the show?

The most exciting reveal had to be the return of Danielle Rousseau. She may not be back from the grave, but this is definitely the next best thing! I had read we would be finding out more about Rousseau and her fellow castaways sometime in the next two seasons and it’s great to know that time is finally here. Rousseau has been around since the beginning of the show and yet is still a complete mystery to both the Losties and us
Lost fans. I’m interested in finding out if the sickness that afflicted her friends is the same sickness that is now killing Charlotte and Miles, and most of all I can’t wait to see how Ben ultimately steals Alex away from Danielle.

Other than these three big reveals, I don’t think much happened on the island or off. It has been brought to my attention that we might know more about Ms. Hawking that I first
realized. **
SPOILER** It turns out that the possible mother to Daniel Faraday has the same first name, Eloise, as the young female Other who led Daniel by gun point to the hydrogen bomb. Her first name was mentioned in the enhanced version of “The Lie.” What a crazy twist that turned out to be!?!? I’m excited to find out what impact this revelation will have on the outcome of the show, as well as what part Jughead the hydrogen bomb will play. I guess we'll all find out more come Thursday night!