Take Dollhouse for instance. Besides being given the timeslot of death (Friday nights at 8!?!), there were rumors of rewrites, reshoots and recasting from the very start. Plus, no matter how FOX and the show’s producers want to spin it, a network never airs a show on Friday nights if it sees a potential hit. Friday nights is where shows go to die. On the positive side, FOX has invested a ton of time and money into this new series and I don’t think anyone wants to see Dollhouse fail.

Even after all those negatives I am still excited to watch tonight’s series premiere! Besides being written by the great Joss Whedon, it also stars some of The Blot’s favorite actors: Eliza Dushku (Buffy, Tru Calling) and Tahmoh Penikett (Battlestar Galactica). The show’s plot sounds a little convoluted, so make sure you read Dollhouse’s official show overview here or at the very least read this short excerpt about the show's storyline:
Dushku’s character Echo is an "Active," a member of a highly illegal and underground group of individuals who have had their personalities wiped clean so they can be imprinted with any number of new personas. Hired by the wealthy, powerful and connected, the Actives don't just perform their hired roles, they wholly become -- with mind, personality and physiology -- whomever the client wants or needs them to be. Whether imprinted to be a lover, an assassin, a corporate negotiator or a best friend, the Actives know no other life than the specific engagements they are in at that time.For more background information on Dollhouse click here.