All my life I have dared to go past what is possible.
“To the impossible?” - Interviewer
Actually, past that.
To the place where the possible and the impossible meet,
to become the Possimpible.
Inventing your own word shows creativity and vision...visitivity!

"The Possimpible"
How I Met Your Mother
If you loved last night’s episode as much as The Blot did then you’ve got to check out How I Met Your Mother’s two new "unofficial" websites, Barney’ and the website of the mysterious Dr. X. If you head over to Barney’ you can relive the awesomeness that is Barney’s video resume (and even download it if you so please). If you go to the Dr. X website, you can listen to some pretty funny/lame audio clips from Ted’s brief stint as a college radio DJ back in the day.
Also, I know ever since last week’s episode “Three Days of Snow” debuted everyone has been dying to play Top 25 Party Schools Bingo, and now you can! Below is the official Barney Stinson Top 25 Party Schools Bingo card. Now all you need to do is follow this one simple rule: Sleep with a collegiate hottie then mark her school on the board. Bingo equals five in a row in any direction – up, down, across, upside down, missionary, etc. Enjoy!