Well the UK Dunny Series officially launches today and I wanted to share some pictures of the two mystery chase Dunnys and the variant colorway Dunny. The two chase Dunnys below are by Keanan Duffty and Shok-1. The Duffty Dunny is the rarer of the figures (with a ratio of 1/50), so it should be one of the two hardest figures to collect. The Shok-1 figure on the other hand is pretty common with a ratio of 2/25.

The second picture is of the red glow in the dark Mimic variant Dunny. There is no word yet as to how rare this red GID version of the Mimic Dunny is though. It will either be extremely common, like with the two Tizieu’s Afro Dunnys from the French Series, or slightly rarer than the standard black Mimic Dunny like with Series 4’s open eyed/closed eyed Lucky Cat Dunnys.

The worst news surrounding Kidrobot's latest release is that it looks like there are no Golden Tickets being randomly inserted in this Series' blind boxes. I have no clue why Kidrobot decided to do away with the GTs this time around, but I’m pretty bummed by their decision. I’m really interested in seeing what effect this has on collectors buying extra cases/blind boxes.
To be honest, I’m not really feeling any of the UK Series’ mystery Dunnys. The only saving grace to this Series would be if the mystery ratio figures by Doktor A and HiCalorie x Julie West end up being fairly common so I have a chance of pulling them. Those two figures and the extremely common Rainhead Dunny by Triclops are really the only figures I want to get.
Thanks to Rotofugi for the top picture! You can purchase Ye Olde English Dunny Series blind boxes from Rotofugi for $7.95 here and a case of 25 blind boxes from them for $188.75 here.