Last week USAToday had a great article about the return of Lost (you can find the article here). While the article itself is just a cursory overview of the history of the show and doesn’t really give any in-depth information or spoilers for the upcoming season, the photo attached to the article answered one of The Blot’s lingering questions from last year’s season finale, what happened to Rose (L. Scott Caldwell) and Bernard (Sam Anderson)? *A very minor spoiler follows*

As you may or may not remember, the last time we had seen this entertaining couple Rose had changed her mind and given in to Bernard’s wish to leave the island. The question I needed answered was did they ever get on Daniel Faraday’s boat to go to the freighter, and if so were they on the freighter when it exploded? If not then they should still be on the island and have been transported to god knows where. Well, The Blot’s questions have now been answered by the photo below from an upcoming scene in Lost’s fifth season. As you can see Rose and Bernard apparently never made it to the freighter and are still alive, stranded on the island.

While being stranded on a mysterious island is not normally good news, it’s great news for The Blot’s favorite secondary Lost characters because it mean's they're still alive! While Rose and Bernard often go episodes without being seen, when they do show up you know it's for a big, memorable scene. Here’s hoping the still lost Rose and Bernard get the happy ending they so richly deserve as the show wraps up over the next two seasons.