Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lost Season 5 Premieres Tomorrow

Ok, we’re just one day away from the fifth season premiere of Lost and by now your DVRs should have been set weeks ago. The Blot is starting to get really antsy and it’s getting harder and harder to ignore all of the spoilers hitting the web about Wednesday’s two-hour season premiere. It’s gotten to the point where I’m going to have to stop surfing the web completely until I get a chance to watch Lost tomorrow night.

Official Lost Season 5 Cast Photo
This is your last Lost Season 5 premiere reminder from The Blot. Tomorrow we’ll have our first Lost Wednesdays post of the new season and then on Thursday (or more likely Friday) I'll have my first Season 5 episode recap post. I hope everyone’s getting excited for a very Lost 2009!

Lost airs every Wednesday night on ABC at 9/8c.
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