So I explained to her, I said Madeleine every single international conflict essentially boils down to sexual tension.
“Every international conflict?” - Ted
Every single one, Dude.
“So the crisis in the Middle East could be solved by…” - Ted
Gaza Strip-pers, next!
“Apartheid?” - Ted
Apart-thighs, what else you got?
“The Cold War?” - Ted
Mrs. Gorbachev, take down those pants.

How I Met Your Mother
Neil Patrick Harris Hosting Saturday Night Live
I hope everyone caught NPH hosting Saturday Night Live this past weekend. I know I’m a bit biased, but it was by far the best SNL episode of the year. It was definitely one of the funniest episodes in years, and I’d even go so far as to say everything from the opening monologue to Weekend Update was actually laugh out loud funny. But the best part of the show was this week’s Digital Short, an Orchestral Ode to Doogie Howser, M.D. If you missed last night’s episode head over to where you can watch 10 different sketches/clips from Neil Patrick Harris’ episode and check out the aforementioned Digital Short below:
The Cast of How I Met Your Mother Cashes In
Another big announcement I wanted to make sure and mention this week was the news that the entire cast of How I Met Your Mother received salary bumps last Friday! (link) After a long renegotiation, “Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris and Alyson Hannigan recently inked new deals with producing studio 20th Century Fox TV that will bring their salaries up to $90,000 - $120,000 per episode.” (link) Why that’s big news is that after three and a half seasons, HIMYM seems to have finally fought its self off the renewal bubble and secured its place in the CBS Monday night comedy lineup.
It also appears like a fifth season on CBS is all but assured with HIMYM’s ratings rising consistently ever since the half-hour comedy returned from its writers strike hiatus. The sky is definitely the limit for How I Met Your Mother now that 20th Century Fox has secured lucrative off-network syndication deals for the show and added an additional year to the five actors’ original seven year contracts. Here's hoping those contracts play out and there are at least four more season of How I Met Your Mother to look forward to!