It’s really amazing how a show can go from giving us their best work ever (Season 5) and then turn around and give us utter garbage ever since (Season 6 and Redemption). I really want Season 7 to be good, but I’m just not sure that’s possible anymore. There are a few things about 24: Day 7 that might lead to a return to form for the FOX serial action/drama/thriller. The first of which is the return of Carlos Bernard and his previously deceased character Tony Almeida.

Tony had been fighting by Jack Bauer’s side since Day 1, and it’s no mere coincidence that the worst season in the show’s history is the one season Bernard was not a part of the show’s large cast. It couldn’t have taken Kiefer Sutherland and co. very long to figure out that Tony’s return from the dead was an outright necessity. The second important change to 24 this season is that Bauer is no longer operating as a CTU agent. Evidently after Season 6 the federal government disbanded the Counter Terrorist Unit altogether, but have no fear Mary Lynn Rajskub’s Chloe O’Brian and James Morrison’s Bill Buchanan are both back for another crazy day in the life of Jack Bauer.
While it’s sad to see CTU’s Los Angeles headquarters go, it frees Jack up to have adventures outside of LA and surrounds him with a whole new cast of characters. I am hoping it also brings a new dynamic to the character of Jack Bauer since he is no longer tied down by CTU’s rules and regulations. I guess only time will tell if Season 7 will be any good or not, but you can be sure The Blot will be tuning in week after week to see what kind of crazy situation Jack gets himself into this time. I just hope he finds time this season to go to the bathroom!
24 airs every Monday on FOX at 9/8c.