The Ye Olde English Dunny series features artwork by Clutter, Doktor A, Frames, HiCalorie x Julie West, ilovedust, Jon Burgerman, Keanan Duffty, McFaul, Mimic, Peskimo, Shok 1, Tado, Triclops and UAMOU. It’s nice to see a mix of familiar names and up and coming UK artitsts.

For all the Dunny collectors out there The Blot is excited to share the UK Series’ ratios, which you can check out in the photo below. From the numbers here, it looks like it shouldn’t be too hard to collect the entire series! Without having seen the two chase figures yet, I have to say I think the Rain Man Dunny is my favorite so far with Doktor A’s figure coming at a close second. Anyone else picked out their favorite UK Dunny yet?