Monday, December 15, 2008
Transformers Mighty Muggs Wave 2 - Grimlock and Starscream
When it rains it really does pour! All of a sudden there is news popping up everywhere concerning Hasbro’s Mighty Muggs toy line. The latest news is that Transformers Mighty Muggs Wave 2 has been confirmed and will hit stores sometime during March 2009. Wave 2 will consist of fan favorites Grimlock and Starscream, along with previously released figures Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Boy did The Blot call this one way back when. If you don’t believe me check out this long forgotten post. While a photo of the Decepticon’s second-in-command has yet to surface, The Blot did find this great picture of the Dinobot leader…and make sure to check back with The Blot Says… for the latest in Mighty Muggs news!

Comic Books,
Mighty Muggs,
Vinyl Figures