We’re just a few weeks away from the world premiere of Frank Miller’s adaptation of Will Eisner’s
The Spirit. In honor of the movie’s impending release, The Blot is excited to bring to you
The Spirit’s final theatrical one sheet movie poster, which should be plastered in movie theaters around the US as we speak. The promos are airing nonstop on TV these days and the movie actually looks pretty good. How creepy does Samuel L. Jackson look as The Octopus? Sadly though, my guess is that most of America has already tuned out on this movie ever since that first trailer aired way back when.

If this movie can even pull off
Sin City type success I would imagine everyone involved would be thrilled. Not sure why I feel this way, but I just don’t see this film pulling in super hero themed summer blockbuster type numbers. As much as I love Frank Miller, I believe his vision pulls in a very niche market and I can’t imagine this move even doing
300 winter blockbuster type numbers. But I could be wrong!
The Spirit premieres nationwide on Christmas 2008.