Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Name Is Bruce - Bruce Campbell 12 Inch Action Figure

Hot on the heels of the hit indie movie My Name Is Bruce comes an all new 12” figure of cult hero Bruce Campbell. While The Blot has still not seen My Name Is Bruce, those of you that have can now reenact scenes from the B movie with your very own Bruce Campbell action figure from Dark Horse. Best of all, this fully articulated doll is formed from a 3-D scan of Campbell himself.

My Name Is Bruce - Bruce Campbell 12 Inch Action Figure
This amazingly realistic figure comes dressed in an exact replica of the actual Hawaiian shirt worn by Campbell in the movie My Name Is Bruce and includes an array of movie-specific accessories such as two miniature "angel" and "devil" versions of Mr. Campbell (that attach to his shoulders using hidden magnets), a bottle of Shemps Olde Tyme Whiskey, a Bruce collectible toy in melted package, a refreshing Lemon Drink bottle, a miniature of his best selling memoir If Chins Could Kill, and a big honkin' gun with price tag still attached. All of the above comes packaged in a full color, deluxe collector’s box.

My Name Is Bruce Final Theatrical One Sheet Movie Poster
The Bruce Campbell 12” figure is not due in stores until August 15, 2009, but you can pre-order this great toy right now from a number of online retailers. Be careful though, because I have seen a wide variety of prices attached to this My Name Is Bruce movie tie-in, some way above its suggested retail price of $49.99. If you act quickly you can pre-order this very detailed figure from Things From Another World.com for the low pre-order price of $39.99.