The only thing I have ever found myself disliking about some of Hasbro’s Mighty Muggs figures is when they try and make the shorter/smaller characters’ figures actually shorter. To make the Bumblee Mighty Mugg figure smaller they just shortened the figure’s legs, like they did with the previously released Yoda Star Wars Mighty Mugg figure, and left the rest of the figure’s body the same. So now he has these very short legs on a regular sized body, which to me just makes the figures look stocky and fat as opposed to shorter/smaller like Hasbro intended.

I think if you really want to make some of the characters appear smaller in stature you need to proportionally shrink the entire figure and not just shorten the figure’s legs. Nevertheless, I think the other Muggs turned out great and I’m more excited than ever to see which characters will be included in the toy line’s next wave. Here’s hoping we get Grimlock, Starscream or Rodimus Prime Mighty Muggs sometime soon!