What is the deal with movie posters of just a character’s face this winter? Both
Star Trek and
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button have them plastered all over movie theaters nationwide. I have to give the edge to the
Star Trek one sheet character movie posters because the black and white effect is a nice touch. Four different character promo posters have been released so far, Chris Pine as Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, Eric Bana as the villain Nero and Zoe Saldana as Uhura.

Here is a fascinating bit of trivia for everyone. In
Entertainment Weekly’s almost 20 year history only one person has been featured on the magazine’s cover in consecutive weeks. Do you know who it is? The only hint The Blot is giving is that the answer obviously has something to do with this post…for the answer see below.

The answer is...Zachary Quinto! He was first featured on the October 24, 2008 issue's cover next to Chris Pine as the stars of the upcoming film
Star Trek and the very next week he was featured as one of the cast members of the television show
Heroes on the October 31, 2008 issue's cover. I’m a little shocked that in 18 years the weekly magazine had never before featured the same entertainer two weeks in a row and then they decide to do it with an actor who although his star is definitely on the rise, has really not had much of a career to date. While not significant in any way, it is a pretty cool fact. I just hope this fact isn’t one of his greatest achievements when this great young actor’s career is all said and done.
Star Trek premieres on Friday, May 8, 2009.