Today, Tuesday, November 25th,
Kanye West’s hotly anticipated third album
808s & Heartbreak comes out today and everyone who purchases a copy of the album from iTunes will notice it has a special album cover featuring the artwork of New York street artist
Kaws created exclusively for iTunes. While Kanye gets a lot of flack from many different groups for the things he says, I still love the guy and think his music is genius, which is one reason I’m heading down to my local Best Buy later today to pick up the album.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get a hard copy of
808s & Heartbreak with the album cover featuring Kaws’ artwork. While the two versions of the album’s cover are not that different, it’s Kaws! While the general public may not be familiar with his incredible work, his street art and designer vinyl figures are some of the most sought after pieces in their respective industries. The guy is uber-creative and everything he releases either on his official internet store
OrigianlFake or distributed by a third party retailer sells out immediately. But mark my words, one day I will finally get my hands on a
Kaws Darth Vader vinyl figure.