Hypothetical: Ted isn’t pretending to be happy.
Ted really is happy.
He never wanted to get married in the first place.
Ted just pulled off the greatest train dodge since Stand By Me.
Well not the first kid, but the other kids.

"Happily Ever After"
How I Met Your Mother
Two interesting articles about How I Met Your Mother came out this week. No real spoilers are in either but they do address the issue of whether we’ll ever meet the mother alluded to in the show’s title and whether or not we’ve seen the last of Sarah Chalke. The first article is from USAToday and discusses when and if we’ll ever finally meet the woman of Ted’s dreams. (link) One crazy tidbit from this article is that the show shot a pivotal scene a couple of years ago with Ted’s two children “for an important moment later in the series.” (link) How cool is that? Gotta love their foresight!
The second article, which can be found here, is from Variety. It’s a fan submitted Q&A with the creators/showrunners of HIMYM, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, and it gives some great insight into the world of How I Met Your Mother. The first question is The Blot’s favorite and it involves one of the show’s greatest mysteries, what does Barney actually do for a living!?! But the best line from the Q&A has to be, “with our flashbacks, time-jumping and series-long mystery, we sometimes like to fancy ourselves a sitcom version of Lost, set on the mysterious island of Manhattan.” (link) These guys are geniuses, and this Q&A makes me love the show even more.