I am not impressed with the talent in here tonight.
And the more I drink the less attractive they get.
I am one scotch and soda away from the cantina scene in
Star Wars.

"Not a Father's Day"
How I Met Your Mother
Has anyone else noticed how well How I Met Your Mother is doing in the ratings? After struggling for three seasons to find an audience, the show’s audience is growing and HIMYM is doing incredibly well in the key 18-49 demographics. In fact, “ratings are up 15% in viewers (9.6 million) and 24% for advertiser-coveted young adults” (link) It’s looking more and more like The Blot was wrong to criticize the show’s stunt casting of Britney Spears last year.
What is really interesting is that “while most series suffered steep declines” in ratings after the WGA strike ended, “Mother, boosted by Britney Spears’ guest appearances, shot up in the ratings.” (link) This has led to “a string of series highs and rich syndication deals” for HIMYM, something that will prove very profitable for the show’s creators. (link) Additionally, in the past CBS has considered How I Met Your Mother “on the bubble,” meaning there was some question as to whether the show should be renewed. But, HIMYM’s new found popularity combined with Lifetime winning the exclusive cable rerun rights for around $725,000 an episode should be enough to ensure the show is picked up for many more seasons to come. (link)