The Blot is pretty bummed that I missed my one and only opportunity to see
My Name Is Bruce in theaters. It was shown in Austin on Sunday night at the Alamo Drafthouse with Bruce Campbell in attendance for the movie’s one and only showing in the state of Texas. But what can you do!?!

Mr. Campbell and the movie have just launched a nation wide
My Name Is Bruce promo-tour where fans can view the film and do a spirited Q&A afterwards with the main man himself. There won’t be a signing involved, but if you were hoping to see
My Name Is Bruce in theaters then click
here to see future tour stop locations and dates.

I was lucky enough to attend one of these movie premieres (and an autograph signing) back in 2005 for Campbell’s sci-fi movie
Man with the Screaming Brain in Dallas, and the Q&A was definitely worth attending. So if you’re a Bruce Campbell fan who lives near a promo-tour stop, I highly recommend trying to attend a
My Name Is Bruce screening.