LostWednesdays is back! It’s The Blot’s first Lost post of the 2008-2009 Television season and I’m more than a little excited about it. We’re still months away from the season premiere of Lost, but it’s never too early for some news and spoilers. There’s one bit of information that even The Blot won’t post about, but if you don’t care about spoilers and need to know right away then click here to watch a very spoiler filled video interview. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Next up is the first teaser trailer for Lost’s upcoming Season 5! We haven’t had any new Lost in a really long time so even these brief glimpses of the upcoming season should be a real treat for Lost fans worldwide:
Secondly, I thought everyone would be interested in knowing that the titles for the first six episodes of Season 5 have been revealed. (link) Now the real speculation can begin! The titles are:
Episode 5.01 – Because You Left Episode 5.02 – The Lie Episode 5.03 – Jughead Episode 5.04 – The Little Prince Episode 5.05 – This Place Is Death Episode 5.06 – The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham.
And lastly, a quasi cross-over that has The Blot really excited! Everyone’s favorite deceased Lostie, Charlie Pace, will be appearing in an episode of NBC’s Chuck! Well maybe it’s not Charlie exactly, but Dominic Monaghan has signed on to play “a free-spirited British rock star targeted for death by a shadowy group of evildoers.” (link) If that’s not Charlie then I must be going crazy! If you’d like to find out more about Monaghan’s upcoming guest-starring role on Chuck then check out this exclusive interview with the former Lost star by Michael Ausiello.
Chuck has quickly become one of The Blot’s favorite TV shows and I really wish more people were watching it. So, if you’re a devout fan of all things Lost then do The Blot and yourself a favor and tune in to Chuck on Monday, February 2nd at 8/7c on NBC for Dominic Monaghan’s return to television as Charlie Pace Tyler Martin.