Yesterday the Big Aristotle dropped the big bomb we all knew was coming. On Thursday O’Neal told News 13 television in Orlando, FL, “My basketball career will be over in 735 days.” (
link) That is exactly two seasons from now, the exact time left on O’Neal’s current contract with the Phoenix Suns.

As many fans of the Diesel already know, Shaq is contemplating a career in law enforcement after the end of his Hall of Fame NBA career. That might be one ticket The Blot wouldn’t mind getting, as long as O’Neal signs it of course. While on one hand this is sad news, at least it gives us enough notice to give the big guy a proper send off. Obviously the Diesel is running on fumes at this point, but he still forces teams to adjust their defenses to account for the big man in the middle.

Shaquille O’Neal, the 2000 NBA MVP, is a four time NBA World Champion, the ’92-’93 NBA Rookie of the Year, three time NBA Finals MVP, fourteen time NBA All-Star, two time NBA All-Star MVP, and an Olympic Gold Medalist.