I haven’t watched a Batman cartoon since I was a kid, but this newest animated series has really piqued my interest.
Batman: The Brave and The Bold is based on the DC comic book series of the same name, which featured a variety of super heroes from across the DC Universe teaming-up with Batman to fight crime.

What I liked about
The Brave and The Bold comic the most was that it took secondary heroes who weren’t being currently used and teamed them up with Batman for an issue or two. It gave fans of those characters a chance to see their favorite heroes in action and brought about some new and entertaining Batman stories.

I think
Batman: The Brave and The Bold will do the exact same thing. It allows fans of DC Comic’s secondary characters the ability to see their favorite heroes animated on the small screen. It is the exact same thing fans loved about
Justice League Unlimited and the reason why that show’s toy line is still being produced years after the cartoon ended. I just get tired of the same 7-10 characters used in every single DC cartoon. According to the show’s
Wikipedia page, heroes set to be featured in the new show include Adam Strange, The Atom, Black Canary, Booster Gold, Deadman, Dr. Fate, Fire, Green Aarow, Jonah Hex, Kamandi, Huntress, Metamorpho and Wildcat. (

I also love the look and feel of
Batman: The Brave and The Bold. The animation is “inspired by the work of legendary Batman artist Dick Sprang.” (
link) The use of heavy dark lines, similar to Sprang’s style, is evident throughout and the characters have a very boxy look to them. I think the animation studio behind the show did a really excellent job. The characters look animated and yet not cartoony. See for yourself in the
Batman: The Brave and The Bold trailer below:
Batman: The Brave and The Bold animated series will air on the
Cartoon Network and is set to debut on November 14, 2008.