I will spare you additional details [about the Tokyo episode], giving you time, I hope, to pour yourself a stiff drink, situate yourself comfortably on the couch, position a bucket of ice water nearby, and strap on some extra absorbent adult diapers to avoid embarrassing emissions. Foodies with heart conditions should probably medicate themselves appropriately. The Spain episode that follows next week will only make matters worse. Food bloggers will surely be caused to bleed unexpectedly and inexplicably from various orifices, a fine mist of brain matter and steam issuing from the ears.Sounds like a pretty good episode doesn’t it??? Bourdain goes as far to say that outside of Asia, Spain is the single greatest place for culinary achievement in the world. (link) Now that’s some high praise! To find out more about tonight’s episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations check out this promo video:
A seemingly straightforward scene at “Espinaler” near Barcelona, where we crack open some cans of mussels, cockles and razor clams will cause, I’m quite certain, heads to explode across the internet, leaving only smoldering stumps. The gurgling pipe-loads of dark, African chocolate rumbling beneath the floor of Enric Rovira’s workshop, when spread across marble, will no doubt initiate many newcomers watching with that special someone -- to the experience of rolling over into the wet spot. By the time the Extebarri scene rolls around, and the Imperial beluga caviar and the prawns and the freshly made, uncured chorizo and the just-killed baby eels start grilling over their individual fires of hand made charcoals, few will be left alive, I fear, to appreciate the Arzak scene.
You have been warned. (link)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations - Spain
After last week’s episode of No Reservations, which featured Tony touring Tokyo with Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto, Bourdain heads to Spain for what promises to be an exciting episode. I am basing this on a very cryptic message posted last week by Bourdain on his Travel Channel blog:

Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations - Spain
The Blot
Anthony Bourdain|Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations|Television|Television Trailer|Travel Channel|