Also unveiled during the
aforementioned San Diego Comic-Con Star Wars & Indiana Jones panel are the next two installments in the Star Wars Mighty Muggs line. First up is Star Wars Mighty Muggs Wave 6, which includes Darth Vader, Han Solo in Hoth Gear, Plo Koon and Grand Moff Tarkin. Wave 6 should be appearing on store shelves on or around September 1st, 2008. I’m pretty excited for Wave 6 because I’m a sucker for all things Tarkin, the guy is just one of the biggest bad asses in the entire Empire. I mean could any other human give Vader an order and live to tell about?
Shortly after comes Wave 7, which includes two new Dark Lords of Sith figures, a shirtless Darth Maul and Darth Revan. Star Wars Mighty Muggs Wave 7 will hit stores on December 1st, 2008.

Thanks to
Jedi Insider for the above photo of the slide from the SDCC Star Wars/Indiana Jones panel.