Well, earlier this week we finally went and saw the Sex and the City movie and caught up with the lives of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. I know what you’re thinking, I’m the worst boyfriend ever for making her wait even longer than necessary to see it, but it really wasn’t all my fault. I’m not going to give a huge review of the movie, but I will say it was much, much better than I ever expected. Yes, watching it felt like just like watching a super sized episode of the television series, but in many ways I think that’s what they were aiming for. When a TV show is that popular why change what obviously already works?

I did think the movie took a direction that it didn’t need to in the hopes of adding life altering drama to the script, but if they hadn’t done that I’m not so sure what the over-all storyline would have focused on. You can’t revisit these women’s lives after all these years and not expect some changes, and you definitely can’t make a major motion picture without coming up with a major plot line to move the story along. The only thing I wish there had been more of was screen time for Willie Garson as Stanford Blatch and Mario Cantone as Anthony Marentino. Those guys continually stole the spotlight of every scene they were in.