Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Punisher: War Zone Trailer

The Punisher logoEveryone seems to be speaking pretty positively about what they’ve seen so far of the newest Punisher movie, Punisher: War Zone. I’m not so sold on the flick yet. If I’ve learned anything over the years it’s that if there is a Marvel character that doesn’t translate well to the big screen, it’s the Punisher. There’s no rhyme or reason for it, and you’d think he’d be the easiest since he has no super powers. Well, hopefully third time’s a charm because Frank Castle really is a great character. There’s a reason he’s been able to sustain his popularity in the comic book community for over 30 years (and I don’t think it’s only because he shoots a lot of people).

Punisher: War Zone Movie Poster
I’ve read that director Lexi Alexander aims to make this an ultra violent interpretation of the Punisher and that could be a really good thing. Anything’s better than having John Travolta as the main villain. Speaking of villains, I’m still waiting for my first look of Dominic West’s transformation into the villain Jigsaw. We only get a brief glimpse of West in the movie’s new trailer, and to be honest, I need to see more before I pass judgment…so far, so good. Give the trailer below a viewing and let me know what you think!