Lost ended its fourth season with 12.3 million viewers (a 4.9 rating) and a 13 share in the adults 18-49 demographic. (link) While not the best ratings ever, especially considering most shows on network television had already ended their seasons, Lost still won the week for the first time in a very long time.

If you’re looking for a quick, easy to read Season 4 review, head over to TV Squad.com and check Erin Martell’s “Lost Season Four Highlights” and “Lost Season Four Letdowns.” Martell’s two posts definitely hit all of the season’s highs and lows, and I particularly liked her review of Michael Emerson’s performance as Benjamin Linus this season.

Also, if you’re like me and always searching for another great blog to start reading, may I direct you to Dispatches from the Island. It’s the personal blog of Lost’s very own Jorge Garcia (a.k.a. Hurley). If you love Lost then you’ll really love the pictures Garcia posts on a regular basis from his every day life and from the set of Lost.
And lastly, if you were still trying to figure out what Sawyer whispered to Kate in the helicopter before he jumped out and swam back to the island, here is a video of what seems to be a pretty accurate deciphering of his secretive mumbling (Although be aware that upon further review the first line of subtitles seems to be wrong and Sawyer actually says, “I have a daughter in Albuquerque.”):