internet is a buzz on the release of
Girl Talk’s (a.k.a. Gregg Gillis) new album
Feed the Animals. The DJ’s 2006 album
Night Ripper was one of the coolest, most creative albums released that year and was in constant rotation on my iPod and in my home for a ridiculous amount of months. With his latest album, Girl Talk has decided to follow the Radiohead model by allowing purchasers to name their own price to download
Feed the Animals, which you can do so

You can pay as little as $0.00 or as much as you want, but as an incentive Gillis is releasing the album in three different formats. Any price gets you “the entire album as high-quality 320kbps mp3s, $5 or more adds the options of FLAC files, plus a one-file seamless mix of the album, [while] $10 or more includes all of the above + a packaged CD (when it becomes available). (
link) Anyway you look at it, it’s a pretty awesome deal.

For those of you not familiar with Girl Talk’s work, “he specializes in sample-based remixes, in which he uses at least a dozen elements from different songs to create a ‘new’ song.” (
link) Surprisingly, neither Gillis nor his label,
Illegal Art, have been sued from his use of samples on albums he sells. While many have speculated it is because he uses so many samples to create each new song that he really is creating new works of art, I am guessing it’s because there is not much money to get and most artists actually like his work.
Night Ripper was amazing and from the reviews I’ve read,
Feed the Animals is even better. As I type this, I’m heading over to the
Feed the Animals website to download the album. I hope you do the same after reading this post.
Girl Talk – Feed the Animals01 Play Your Part (Pt. 1)
02 Shut the Club Down
03 Still Here
04 What It’s All About
05 Set It Off
06 No Pause
07 Like This
08 Give Me a Beat
09 Hands in the Air
10 In Step
11 Let Me See You
12 Here’s the Thing
13 Don’t Stop
14 Play Your Part (Pt. 2)