Wow, it feels like I haven’t talked about
Lost in forever, but really I just missed one week. I held off talking about “Something Nice Back Home” because there really wasn’t much to talk about. I was glad Claire did not end up dying like the show’s promos teased, but like
I said two weeks ago, the show’s producers have big things in store for her in the upcoming season finale. I do have a problem with how nonchalantly she left Aaron in the wilderness and then seemed completely un-phased by everything going on around her when she reappeared in the cabin at the end of “Cabin Fever.” I hope
Lost explains her lackadaisical disposition towards her child in the next few weeks.

The one question I now have after watching the last two episodes, especially as Christian Shephard seems to be popping up all over the place, is whether or not Christian Shephard was always going to be an intricate part of the
Lost mythos or if he has been added back in because of his popularity among
Lost enthusiasts and his inclusion into most
Lost fans’ theories?

Ok, now on to the killer episode of "Cabin Fever." I’ve read this all over the web, but how shocking are the similarities between Locke and Ben. Both had mothers named Emily and both were born 3 months prematurely. What I gained from Richard Alpert coming to visit a young John Locke was that evidently The Others were told to seek out a special child and were given a certain description for the young boy. It looks like Alpert and The Others chose Ben Linus over Locke and maybe, just maybe, they picked the wrong child to lead them. That’s the only explanation I can see to explain why Alpert was involved in Johns life at such a young age.
Alpert’s appearance wasn’t the only shocking revelation from Locke’s Flash Back, how about the fact that Charles Widmore’s employee Matthew Abaddon was the person who suggested Locke head to Australia and go on a walkabout in the first place. It seems like Widmore wanted Locke on the island, which only leads to more questions like did Widmore use Locke to try and find the island or did he send Locke to the island to cause a division between Ben and The Others.

Also, did anyone notice that when mercenary Keamy and Captain Gault unlocked Widmore’s “Plan B” that the cover of it has a Dharma logo? I’m wondering if this is now confirmation that Widmore does in fact run the Dharma initiative. This would explain why Widmore said Ben took the island from him, meaning when Ben and The Others purged the Dharma initiative from the island.

Lastly, lets discuss Locke’s final words, “He wants us to move the island.” Some view this line literally meaning the island can actually be physically moved and that’s how it stays hidden from people hoping to take over the island (like Widmore’s cronies). I don’t look at it that way. I think Jacob means move the island in time. You see, as we get deeper into the mythos of
Lost it seems like time is a prevailing issue.

This has come up over and over, whether it be Desmond’s travels through time, Richard Alpert appearing throughout time looking like he hasn’t aged a day, or the time discrepancies between the island and the freighter. I think the island having the ability to move through time explains how Alpert appears to never age or how the island can protect itself from potential invaders. With only three hours left of
Lost’s fourth season, I expect big things to be in store for our favorite Losties…and I can’t wait to learn how the Oceanic 6 got off the island!