Those first few character promo posters were just headshots, while these new and improved ones are full bodied and give us a better look at the movie’s creepy looking villains. Along with posters of the movie’s three main heroes, Hellboy, Liz Sherman and Abe Sapien, we get two posters featuring Prince Nuada and the Angel of Death, a creature that looks like it just stepped out of Guillermo del Toro’s oscar nominated Pan’s Labyrinth.

If you haven’t been able to tell from previous Hellboy posts, I love Guillermo del Toro’s work and can’t wait for this film to come out. He just has such a unique vision that translates amazingly onto the screen. Pretty much everything this guy touches is cinematic gold. And, while I’m not a huge middle earth fan, I know del Toro working with Peter Jackson on The Hobbit films will amount to some unbelievable special effects and movie telling. The Hobbit won’t be out until 2010, but you can see Hellboy II: The Golden Army in just 7 weeks!