“Do you guys remember Barney’s whole thing about making plans in a relationship?” - Ted
“Fourth row!” – Ted showing off his newly acquired concert tickets
Ted, no! You’re violating the Date-Time Continuum.
You never make plans with a girl further in the future than the amount of time you’ve been going out.
You’ve been dating this girl for what, two weeks? No, you’re not taking her to a Springsteen concert in January.
(Barney tears up the tickets)
By that time you won’t even remember this Robin girl’s name.

How I Met Your Mother
Well, we’ve finally reached the season finale of How I Met Your Mother Season 3 and I’m sitting on pins and needles as to whether or not Stella is Ted’s future wife. What a cliffhanger!!! While this is the end for The Blot’s Barney-isms Of The Week for a few months, thankfully its not the end of the feature completely. The Barney-isms Of The Week segment will return next fall with the beginning of HIMYM’s Season 4. As a parting gift, I’ll be posting my favorite line from last night and possibly of the season in a little while. Be on the look out for a special guest "–ism of the week" coming shortly.