Tapes ‘n Tapes’ sophomore album
Walk It Off was released in stores nationwide today. I’m pretty excited to finally be able to listen to the Minneapolis, Minnesota band’s new album someway other than streaming online. I had hoped to be able to swing by my local
Best Buy later today to pick one up, but it’s looking more and more like it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. If you’re thinking about buying
Walk It Off, I’d suggest purchasing it this week at your neighborhood Best Buy or at
BestBuy.com where the album is being sold for the low, low price of $7.99. (

If you’d like to hear a few tracks before getting the full album, then I suggest heading over to
Daytrotter.com where you can download four live recordings of songs from Walk It Off. (
The Tapes ‘n Tapes Daytrotter SessionTapes ‘N Tapes – Hang Them All {MP3}