I bet most of you didn’t know Scarlett Johansson was releasing an album comprised almost entirely of Tom Waits covers, did you? The album,
Anywhere I Lay My Head, is due in stores on Tuesday, May 20th and if the album is anywhere as bad as its cover art then it’s going to be a real bomb. I’ve been hearing about Johansson’s voice and this upcoming album for months, but I really don’t have a good feeling about it. On the plus side “Johansson was joined in the studio by David Bowie, who lends guest vocals on ‘Falling Down’ and ‘Fannin Street’” and the album was produced by TV on the Radio’s David Sitek. (

I know, I know, I was really excited about Zooey Deschanel’s foray into music so why rag on Johansson? I’m not really sure, maybe because she only has one original song on her debut album or maybe I’m just bitter. It could be that while Zooey has “indie cred” due to the roles she’s chosen in film, Scarlett is more of a Hollywood starlet. And as everyone knows, most albums made by the Hollywood elite are pretty awful. Need I remind anyone of Eddie Murphy and “Party All The Time” or Don Johnson’s duet with Barbra Streisand on “Til I Loved You?”