Harris went on to say, “look, that episode garnered our highest ratings of the season — I would never ignore or disrespect that fact. I am just very protective of our show, and its content. I have a high standard of quality, and hope to maintain it on every level. Television is big business, I understand that. I have great faith in our casting department, as well as [Twentieth Century Fox Television] and CBS, to find the appropriate person for every role on our show. I was remiss in speculating otherwise.” (link) If that doesn’t reek of meddling by CBS and the Exec-Producers of HIMYM, then I don’t know what does. The actor ended his statement by saying, “my job description is to act, and I should really do just that.” (link) Sounds like someone got a pretty big scolding for talking to the media, what do you think?

In Harris’ defense, the AP has gone back and issued a clarification to their original story by stating that “Harris did not say that he opposed a return engagement for Spears” on How I Met Your Mother and that the writer wrongly claimed that Harris did. (link) Sounds like a lot of semantics from both sides, with everyone trying to cover their position and previous comments. Here’s hoping for only good things in How I Met Your Mother’s future and many more seasons on CBS.