If you want some spoilers and hints of what’s to come then keep on reading. If not I’d skip the rest of this post.

According to TV Squad, we will be finding out very soon whether or not Juliet is one of the famed Oceanic Six. Also be on the look out for one of The Blot’s favorite member of The Others as Richard Alpert (actor Nestor Carbonell) is set to return to the island once Lost returns with new episodes at the end of April due to Carbonell’s availability now that CBS’ Caine has ended production. (link) The last bit of really interesting information coming out of TV Squad’s Official Lost Podcast report is concerning the playing card memory game Daniel and Charlotte were playing at the beginning of “Eggtown” two weeks ago. According to Carlton Cuse they were “testing to see if the island affects memory.” (link) Cuse conjectured that since the Losties do not appear to be having memory issues “that its possible that Daniel sustained a head injury on the way to the island, and its even more likely that he had a pre-existing condition before coming there.” (link)
And finally, TV Guide has a really cool article by Shawna Malcom in which Lost cast members were given the opportunity to ask publicly co-Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse questions about what’s in store for the rest of this season and to clear up some things we’ve seen in previous Flash Forwards. It’s a unique way to get some clarity on Lost and sheds a ton of light on what’s coming up in the lives of our favorite Losties. But if you don’t like knowing spoilers I’d stay far away from Malcom’s Lost: The Cast’s Burning Questions Answered!