I also loved how fleshed out the back story of Juliet and Goodwin’s relationship turned out to be. I honestly thought the scene of Juliet and Goodwin in bed in one of Juliet’s previous flash backs was a throwaway scene and a way to bring Goodwin back to the show. It’s nice to see how far in advanced the Lost writers planned some of these minor details out. What I thought was a really nice added bonus to last week’s episode was how much we learned about Ben in Juliet’s flashback. To use the world creepy to describe Ben just no longer cuts it.

While I think we all knew there was more to Charles Widmore after his cameo in “The Constant” two weeks ago but faithful The Blot Says… reader D. Greene was positive we’d find out more in “The Other Woman,” and you know what, he was right. The best scene in the show was definitely the video tape of Charles Widmore beating one of Ben’s operatives in an alley. I think we could all tell there was something brewing behind Widmore’s calm demeaner, especially after seeing so many scenes of him berating Desmond, but this shows a new dimension to his character. Obviously he wants the island and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he was the reason Desmond crash landed on it.

I thought it was a nice touch by the show’s writers to have the scene recorded over the Red Sox championship videotape from last season. It’s funny how that 2004 World Championship keeps popping up on the show. I believe we find out the remaining members of the Oceanic 6 this week. I’m assuming “The Other Woman’s” first scene was included to throw us off into thinking she was a member, but since it ended up being a Flash Back I guess we can infer she is not part of the Oceanic 6.