Now that The Dark Knight’s viral marketing campaign is having to change directions after the unfortunate and untimely death of Heath Ledger, the first non-Joker The Dark Knight related website has been launched. I Believe In Harvey Dent centers around the political campaign of Harvey Dent for Gotham City District Attorney and what a great idea for a site, especially as we’re in the midst of a heated presidential primary. Honestly, the site looks almost identical to many campaign sites I’ve seen for local candidates and has a very realistic feel to it. Check out I Believe In Harvey Dent for yourself and make sure to cast your vote for Gotham City’s next District Attorney.

I am both pleased and disappointed that there still hasn’t been a single picture leaked of Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face. I did read a recent interview with Mr. Eckhart by Wizard Universe in which he makes it sound like that while some of the scared side of Dent’s face is make-up, a lot of it will be computer generated. This may explain why there have been no photos surfacing of Eckhart in his Two-Face costume. In the meantime, there are tons of pictures of Eckhart as Harvey Dent, the Gotham District Attorney who turns into the villain/vigilante Two-Face after having half of his face disfigured by a vial of acid. Check out Eckhart as DA Harvey Dent here.

One cool aspect of the website is that you can support the Harvey Dent for Gotham District Attorney campaign by submitting pictures of yourself promoting Dent for DA. There are already a ton of user pictures up on the site’s You In Action page with random people holding Harvey Dent signs around the country. There is even an MP3 of Harvey Dent/Aaron Eckhart pleading with the citizens of Gotham to take back their streats and elect Harvey Dent the next District Attorney of Gotham City. It’s kind of funny but definitely original...you can check out Harvey Dent’s personal challenge to the citizens of Gotham to come together and support his campaign here:
Evidently there will also be a country wide tour of the Dentmobile (as seen on the I Believe In Harvey Dent website). While the site says its purpose is to “meet up with other Dent supporters and help us campaign in your streets,” it will really be going around the country to promote The Dark Knight’s summer release. (link) Check back here to see specific dates and locations of the Dentmobile’s tour. There is already a map of the cities the Dentmobile will be stopping in and it looks like Texas has three stops, Austin, College Station and thankfully Houston. This mean’s The Blot Says… will most definitely be covering the Dentmobile’s upcoming stop in the H sometime in the near future.